Thursday, May 21, 2020

What is Communion by Extension and how does it differ from Holy Communion Free Essay Example, 1250 words

The elements in use within the communion by extension are consecrated earlier within a church and administration of the same brings together various groups over a common cause like illnesses. The bishop holds absolute power to nominate a person who would preside over the communion by extension and as such, no one person would claim the responsibility of presiding over the service (Dallen, 1994, p. 1-59). These differences point out that communion by extension is by itself very distinct as against the common ‘holy communion’ and does not in itself override the essence of holy c communion as have been observed previously. Holy Communion is presided over by the priest but under such exceptions and through written permission, another person from the congregation is allowed to preside over and hence regarded as provisional or exceptional. Particular vesture must be won while administering the communion by extension with a special training being accorded to the person to preside over the service as authorized by the Bishop. Besides, the right to conduct the communion by extension is periodic and this explains why the Bishop keeps revisiting the rights accorded to the person overseeing the communion by extension. We will write a custom essay sample on What is Communion by Extension and how does it differ from Holy Communion or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now This paper also notes that granting of the permission to preside over the communion by the Bishop is done sparingly hence specific reasons is involved before permission is granted. Such reasons as would often lead to according of the right to observe the rites are emergencies like sicknesses and specific congregational needs that warrant specialized pastoral care. Besides, the consecrated elements are highly regarded and great care is accorded to the elements as they are transferred from the church where Holy Communion where the Holy Communion takes place. The general criteria in use in dictating such persons as would partake the communion by extension is that the person(s) must be from a church which equally believes in the holy trinity doctrine. It is also however worth noting that prior preparation for the individuals and congregations at large are required before sharing in the communion by extension (Tovey, 2001, p. 1-33). The history in the id eology of having communion by extension emanated from having many people deprived of the opportunity and right to share in holy communion in the normal church set-up especially through early church persecution. In fact, the communion by extension practice is a rather new phenomenon in the history of Christian faith with a critical difference identified between the communion and the Eucharist’ (or the common holy communion).

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